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“... therefore, the Miss Bertrams continued to [...] practice their duets, and grow tall and womanly.”

“‘My dear Sir Thomas!’ cried Mrs. Norris, red with anger, ‘Fanny can walk.’”

“Edmund watched the progress of her attention [...]; how the [needlework] dropped from her hand while she sat motionless over it — and at last, how the eyes which had appeared so studiously to avoid him throughout the day, were turned and fixed on Crawford, ... ”

Mansfield Park

Three illustrations for Jane Austen's Mansfield Park interpreted as a vivid, cynical, and highly comical character study of some of the worst human traits – from the brilliantly evil, attention-craving Aunt Norris down to the vain Bertram sisters, shallow Miss Crawford and an utterly pathetic and forgettable “heroine”.